Matthew Hodges
In preparation of the Grid for LHC start-up, and as part of the early production
service (under the UK GridPP project), we calculate efficiencies for jobs submitted
to the RAL Tier-1 Batch Farm. Early usage of the Farm was characterised by high
occupancy, but low efficiency of Grid jobs, but improvement has been observed over
the last six months. This behaviour has been examined by calculating overall
efficiencies, defined as ratios of the total CPU time and the total elapsed wall
time. This is done on a monthly basis for each virtual organisation (VO) and for the
Farm as a whole. The generation of the statistics is fully automatic and is based on
querying job parameters stored in a MySQL database. The data give an overview of how
efficiently the Farm is being used, and identify VOs whose efficiency is low.
Further information is gained from per-VO scatter plots of CPU time against
efficiency for each job. In particular, these plots can identify classes of jobs
that terminate due to CPU time and elapsed wall time limits being hit in the batch
system. Many factors can lead to low job efficiencies, including local execution
problems (e.g., high rates of disk I/O), and Grid-related problems (e.g.,
transferring remote data). As the efficiency data provide information about job
execution on the Farm, they are therefore of use to both site administrators and end
Primary author
Matthew Hodges
Derek Ross
Steve Traylen