13–17 Feb 2006
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Europe/Zurich timezone

Evolution of BOSS, a tool for job submission and tracking

14 Feb 2006, 14:20
D406 (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)


Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road Mumbai 400005 India
oral presentation Distributed Data Analysis Distributed Data Analysis


Mr stuart WAKEFIELD (Imperial College, University of London, London, UNITED KINGDOM)


BOSS (Batch Object Submission System) has been developed to provide logging and bookkeeping and real-time monitoring of jobs submitted to a local farm or a grid system. The information is persistently stored in a relational database for further processing. By means of user-supplied filters, BOSS extracts the specific job information to be logged from the standard streams of the job itself and stores it in the database in a structured form that allows easy and efficient access. BOSS has been used since 2002 for CMS Monte Carlo productions and is being re-engeneered to satisfy the needs of user analysis in highly distributed environment. The new architecture has the concept of composite jobs and of job clusters (Tasks) and benefits from a factorization of the monitoring system and the job archive.


Dr Claudio GRANDI (INFN - Bologna, v. Berti-Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna,ITALY) Dr David COLLING (Imperial College, University of London, London, UNITED KINGDOM)


Dr Barry MACEVOY (Imperial College, University of London, London, UNITED KINGDOM) Mr Giuseppe CODISPOTI (INFN - Bologna, v. Berti-Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna,ITALY) Mr William BACCHI (INFN - Bologna, v. Berti-Pichat 6/2, 40127 Bologna,ITALY) Dr Yong-Jun ZHANG (Imperial College, University of London, London, UNITED KINGDOM) Mr stuart WAKEFIELD (Imperial College, University of London, London, UNITED KINGDOM)

Presentation materials