Stefan Roiser
Reflex is a package, which enhances C++ with reflection capabilities. It was
developed in the LCG Applications Area at CERN and recently it was decided that it
will be tightly integrated with the ROOT analysis framework and especially with the
CINT interpreter. This strategy will unify the dictionary systems of ROOT/CINT and
Reflex into a common one. The advantages of this move for ROOT/CINT will be better
coherence to the C++ standard, less memory consumption of dictionary information and
easier maintenance. This poster will focus on the evolutionary steps to be taken for
this integration like the unification of data structures of CINT and Reflex while
staying backwards compatible to user code. It will also discuss modifications for the
generation of reflection information within ROOT, which is done via the rootcint
program. Source code examples and class diagrams will give a look and feel of the
Reflex package itself.
Stefan Roiser
Philippe Canal