Fons Rademakers
Fons Rademakers
ROOT as a scientific data analysis framework provides a large selection data
presentation objects and utilities. The graphical capabilities of ROOT range from 2D
primitives to various plots, histograms, and 3D graphical objects. Its object-
oriented design and developments offer considerable benefits for developing object-
oriented user interfaces. The ROOT GUI classes support an extensive and rich set of
widgets that allow an easy way to develop cross-platform GUI applications with a
common look and feel. The object-oriented, event-driven programming model supports
the modern signals/slots communication mechanism. This mechanism is an advanced
object communication concept; it largely replaces the concept of callback functions
to handle actions in GUIs. Signals and slots are just like any object-oriented
methods implemented in C++. It uses ROOT dictionary information and CINT interpreter
to connect signals to slots in ROOT. The progress of the recent user interface
developments in ROOT are presented in this paper.
Ilka Antcheva
Bertrand Bellenot
Fons Rademakers
René Brun
Valeriy Onoutchine
(IHEP, Protvino, Russia)