13–17 Feb 2006
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Europe/Zurich timezone

Recent User Interface Developments in ROOT

13 Feb 2006, 11:00
7h 10m
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road Mumbai 400005 India
poster Software Tools and Information Systems Poster


Mr Fons Rademakers (CERN)


Providing all components and designing good user interfaces requires from developers to know and apply some basic principles. The different parts of the ROOT GUIs should fit and complete each other. They must form a window via which users see the capability of the software system and understand how to use them. If well-designed, the user interface adds quality and inspires confidence and trust of the users. Its main goal is to help them to have an easier time getting their jobs accomplished. In this poster, we present the relationship between two main user interface projects in this direction: the ROOT object editors and the style manager.


Mrs Ilka Antcheva (CERN)


Mr Bertrand Bellenot (CERN) Mr Denis Favre-Miville (ENSIMAG, France) Mr Fons Rademakers (CERN) Mr Olivier Couet (CERN) Mr René Brun (CERN)

Presentation materials