Jose Hernandez
CMS has chosen to adopt a distributed model for all computing in order to cope with
the requirements on computing and storage resources needed for the processing and
analysis of the huge amount of data the experiment will be providing from LHC startup.
The architecture is based on a tier-organised structure of computing resources, based
on a Tier-0 centre at CERN, a small number of Tier-1 centres for mass data
processing, and a relatively large number of Tier-2 centres where physics analysis
will be performed. The distributed resources are connected using high-speed networks
and are operated by means of Grid toolkits and services.
We present in this paper, using the Spanish Tier-1 (PIC) and Tier-2 (federated
CIEMAT-IFCA) centres as examples, the organization of the computing resources
together with the CMS Grid Services, built on top of generic Grid Services, required
to operate the resources and carry out the CMS workflows.
We also present the current Grid-related computing activities performed at the CMS
computing sites, like high-throughput and reliable data distribution, distributed
Monte Carlo production and distributed data analysis, where the spanish Sites have
traditionally played a leading role in development, integration and testing.
Francisco Martinez
Gonzalo Merino
Javier Rodriguez-Calonge
Jose Hernandez
Marc Rodriguez
Pablo Garcia-Abia