Rosa palmiero
(INFN and University of Naples)
The Grid technology is attracting a lot of interest, involving hundreds of
researchers and software engineers around the world. The characteristics of Grid
demand the developing of suitable monitoring system able to obtain the significant
information in order to make management decision and control system behaviour. In
this paper we are going to analyse a formal declarative interpreted language for the
description of monitoring events. An user expresses his interest in verifying of
certain events, for example he is interested in the occurring of subsequent
composite events : e1:= ‘workload for ten minutes > K’, after e2:=’number of
active Machine<y’, so he subscribes the event e:= e1 after e2. This language,
inspired to Generalised Event Monitoring Language (GEM)[1], allows high level
subscriptions to be specified as composition of atomic subscriptions and integrates
the concept of real time. The language allows to express many temporal constraint,
which would have been very difficult to specify in a distributed systems. The goal
of our research project consist of the tree steps: 1) the description of
subscriptions though the use of a formal language; 2) the translating of the problem
in a XML frame, using XML metalanguage tools; 3) the integration of this new
language, made ‘ad-hoc’, in a monitoring services.
[1] A Generalised Event Monitoring Language for Distributed Systems, Masoud Mansouri-
Samani, Morris Sloman, IEE/IOP/BCS Distributed Systems Engineering Journal, Vol. 4,
No 2 June.
Primary author
Rosa palmiero
(INFN and University of Naples)
Gennaro Tortone
(INFN of Naples)
Natascia De Bortoli
(INFN of Naples)