Alexei Sibidanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
CMD-3 is the general purpose cryogenic magnetic detector for VEPP-2000
electron-positron collider, which is being commissioned at Budker Institute of
Nuclear Physics (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia). The main aspects of physical program of
the experiment are study of known and search for new vector mesons, study of the
ppbar a nnbar production cross sections in the vicinity of the threshold and search
for exotic hadrons in the region of center-of-mass energy below 2 GeV. The essential
upgrade of CMD-2 detector (designed for VEPP-2M collider at BINP) farm and
distributed data storage management software is required to satisfy new detector
needs and scheduled to perform in near future.
The contribution gives the general overview of the computing environment to be used
for the RAW data staging and processing, Monte Carlo generation and handling the
various user analysis jobs. It includes the description of the CMD-3 Offline Farm
with the dedicated Quattor package based deployment facilities, high level detector
specific job submission interface on top of the TORQUE batch system and the adaptive
Journaling Virtual File System (JVFS) dealing with the distributed data storage
shared among the farm nodes. JVFS functionality involves the sophisticated replica
management mechanisms and virtual file system optimization services for a single
dedicated batch processing cluster. Though the listed products were initially
proposed to be used within the CMD-3 project only, they can be easily adopted to the
computing environment of any small and medium scale HEP experiment.
CMD-3 is the general purpose cryogenic magnetic detector for VEPP-2000
electron-positron collider, which is being commissioned at Budker Institute of
Nuclear Physics (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia). The essential upgrade of CMD-2 detector
(designed for VEPP-2M collider at BINP) farm and distributed data storage management
software is required to satisfy new detector needs and scheduled to perform in near
future. The contribution gives the general overview of the computing environment to
be used for the RAW data staging and processing, Monte Carlo generation and handling
the various user analysis jobs. Though the products produced were initially proposed
to be used within the CMD-3 project only, they can be easily adopted to the computing
environment of any small and medium scale HEP experiment.