Akram Khan
(Brunel University)
The LCG-RUS project implemented the Global Grid Forum's Resource Usage Service
standard and made grid resources for LHC accountable in a common schema (GGF-URWG).
This project is a part of UK e-Science programme with the purpose of staging grid
computing from e-Research to computational market. The LCG-RUS is a complementary
work for the precedor MCS (Market for Computational Service) RUS project, which
implements the RUS specification in plain Web service. Considering the international
characteristic of LCG, LCG-RUS addresses requirements of the grid project as whole,
funding bodies, experiments, and users, by combing usage records from all three peer
infrastructure (OSG, Nordugrid, LCG/EGEE) and presenting an aggregative view of
resource usage for LHC VOs. The current record sources of LCG are mainly from DGAS,
SGAS and APEL that provide realtime accounting and accounting after event
respectively. A Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) mechnism ensures authorisation for
different-level level user agents to access different operations/portTypes. Finally
Statistical tools in the client-tier provides aggregative analysis and presents the
results in graphical views.
Akram Khan
(Brunel University)