Mathias de Riese
DESY is one of the worlds leading centers for research with particle accelerators and
synchrotron light. The computer center manages a data volume of the order of 1 PB and
houses around 1000 CPUs. During DESY's engagement as Tier-2 center for LHC
experiments these numbers will at least double. In view of these increasing
activities an improved fabric management infrastructure is being established.
In this context Quattor is used for the automatic installation and the configuration
management. The DESY grid infrastructure has been used for a pilot project while
current efforts integrate dCache systems, workgroup servers, and desktops. A variety
of developments have arisen in this process: A standard for the configuration
template management, which will allow a larger number of administrators to
productively work on the fabric configuration, a management tool for configuration
templates, which aids in keeping track of the various sources of templates, and an
integration tool for collecting information from existing management systems at DESY.
We will present these achievements together with our Quattor deployment experiences
which motivated them.
Mathias de Riese
. the DESY Quattor Team