Jörn Adamczewski
The new version 3 of the ROOT based GSI standard analysis framework GO4 (GSI Object
Oriented Online Offline) has been released. GO4 provides multithreaded remote
communication between analysis process and GUI process, a dynamically configurable
analysis framework, and a Qt based GUI with embedded ROOT graphics.
In the new version 3 a new internal object manager was developed. Its functionality
was separated from the GUI implementation. This improves the GO4 GUI and browser
functionality. Browsing and object monitoring from various local and remote data
sources is provided by a user transparent proxy architecture.
The GO4 communication mechanism between GUI and analysis processes was redesigned.
Several distributed viewers may now connect to one analysis. Even a standard CINT
session may initiate the Go4 communication environment to control an analysis process
with the native ROOT browser. Similarly, standard analysis ROOT macros may be
controlled by either a remote Go4 GUI or ROOT browser.
Besides Linux, a lightweight binary GO4 v3 distribution (without Qt GUI) for MS
WindowsXP is now available. Cross platform connections between GO4 environments are
Jörn Adamczewski
Hans Georg Essel
Sergey Linev