Feb 13 – 17, 2006
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Europe/Zurich timezone

The V-Atlas Event Visualization Program

Feb 15, 2006, 4:40 PM
AG 69 (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)

AG 69

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road Mumbai 400005 India
oral presentation Software Components and Libraries Software Components and Libraries




We describe an event visualization package in use in ATLAS. The package is based upon Open Inventor and its HEPVIs extensions. It is integrated into ATLAS's analysis framework, is modular and open to user extensions, co-displays the real detector description/simulation (GeoModel/GEANT) geometry together with event data, and renders in real time on regular laptop computers, using their available graphics acceleration. The functionality requires no commercial software. It has been used to debug, extensively, the geometry of the ATLAS detector and is now being applied to commissioning activities.

Primary authors

Abdelouahab Abdesselam (University of Oxford) Andreas Salzburger (Leopold-Franzens-Universitaet Innsbruck) Edward Moyse (University of Massachusetts) Elizabeth Hines (UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH) Isabel Trigger (TRIUMF) Joseph Boudreau (UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH) Julia Hoffman (Southern Methodist University, Soltan's Institute for Nuclear Studies) Moustapha Thioye (State University of New York at Stony Brook) Robert McPherson (University of Victoria/IPP) Thijs Cornelissen (NIKHEF) Vakhtang Tsulaia (UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH) Wolfgang Liebig (CERN)

Presentation materials