13–17 Feb 2006
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Europe/Zurich timezone

IGUANA Graphical User Analysis Project: New Developments

15 Feb 2006, 09:00
9h 10m
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road Mumbai 400005 India
poster Software Components and Libraries Poster


Dr Lucas Taylor (Northeastern University, Boston)


IGUANA is a well-established generic interactive visualisation framework based on a C++ component model and open-source graphics products. We describe developments since the last CHEP, including: the event display toolkit, with examples from CMS and D0; the generic IGUANA visualisation system for GEANT4; integration of ROOT and Hippoplot with IGUANA; and a new lightweight and portable IGUANA Web browser client. Items covered include: the IGUANA design, API and scripting services; the Qt-based graphical user interfaces; OpenInventor/OpenGL 3D and 2D graphics; HEP-specific extensions for tracks, vertices, jets, etc.; vector graphics output; textual, tabular and hierarchical data views; the application control centre; and the novel Asynchronous Javascript/XML (AJAX) Iguana Web client. We demonstrate the use of IGUANA with several applications built for D0 and CMS, including displays of the first real data from the CMS Cosmic Challenge, using the recently re-engineered framework and Event Data Model.


Prof. George Alverson (Northeastern University, Boston) Mr Giulio Eulisse (Northeastern University, Boston) Mrs Ianna Osborne (Northeastern University, Boston) Mr Lassi Tuura (Northeastern University, Boston) Dr Lucas Taylor (Northeastern University, Boston) Mr Shahzad Muzaffar (Northeastern University, Boston)

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