Sergio Andreozzi
The Grid paradigm enables the coordination and sharing of a large number of
geographically-dispersed heterogeneous resources that are contributed by different
institutions. These resources are organized into virtual pools and assigned to group
of users. The monitoring of such a distributed and dynamic system raises a number of
issues like the need for dealing with administrative boundaries, the heterogeneity of
resources, the different types of monitoring information consumers and the various
levels of abstraction. In this paper, we describe GridICE, a Grid monitoring system
designed to meet the above requirements and for an easy integration with local
monitoring systems. It promotes the adoption of de-facto standard Grid Information
Service interfaces, protocols and data models. Further, different aggregations and
partitions of monitoring data are provided based on the specific needs of different
users categories. Being able to start from summary views and to drill down to
details, it is possible to verify the composition of virtual pools or to sketch the
sources of problems. A complete history of monitoring data is also maintained to deal
with the need for retrospective analysis. In this paper, we offer the details of the
requirements that have driven the design of GridICE and we describe the current
architecture and implementation. An important part will be devoted to the description
of the result of a 3-year experience in the LHC Computing Grid production environment
and we highlight how GridICE can be used for supporting VO users, operations and
disseminations activities.
Primary authors
Antonio Pierro
Cristina Aiftimiei
Enrico Fattibene
Gennaro Tortone
Giacinto Donvito
Gian Luca Rubini
Giuseppe Misurelli
Guido Cuscela
Natascia De Bortoli
Sergio Andreozzi
Sergio Fantinel