13–17 Feb 2006
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Europe/Zurich timezone

UltraLight: A Managed Network Infrastructure for HEP

14 Feb 2006, 17:00
D405 (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)


Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road Mumbai 400005 India
oral presentation Computing Facilities and Networking Computing Facilities and Networking


Shawn Mc Kee (High Energy Physics)


We will describe the networking details of NSF-funded UltraLight project and report on its status. The project’s goal is to meet the data-intensive computing challenges of the next generation of particle physics experiments with a comprehensive, network-focused agenda. The UltraLight network is a hybrid packet- and circuit-switched network infrastructure employing both “ultrascale” protocols such as FAST, and the dynamic creation of optical paths for efficient fair sharing on long range networks in the 10 Gbps range. Instead of treating the network traditionally, as a static, unchanging and unmanaged set of inter-computer links, we instead are enabling it as a dynamic, configurable, and closely monitored resource, managed end-to-end, to construct a next-generation global system able to meet the data processing, distribution, access and analysis needs of the high energy physics (HEP) community. To enable this capability as broadly as possible we are working closely with core networks like ESNet, Abilene, Canarie, GEANT; related network efforts like Terapaths, Lambda Station, OSCARs, HOPI, USNet, Gloriad; grid/computing research projects like OSG, GriPhyN, iVDGL, DISUN; and both the US ATLAS and US CMS collaborations.


The UltraLight network infrastructure, status and plans are described along with our
vision of a managed network infrastructure for LHC physics.


Dimitri BOURILKOV (University of Florida) Frank VAN LINGEN (California Institute of Technology) Harvey NEWMAN (California Institute of Technology) Laird KRAMER (Florida International University) Richard CAVANAUGH (University of Florida) Shawn Mc Kee (High Energy Physics)


Alan GEORGE (University of Florida) Alberto SANTORO (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) Chris GRIFFIN (University of Florida) Chris HEERMANN (Internet2) Conrad STEENBERG (California Institute of Technology) Dan NAE (California Institute of Technology) Dave POKORNEY (University of Florida) Dongchul SON (Kyungpook National University) Ernesto RUBI (Florida International University) Heidi ALVAREZ (Florida International University) Iosif LEGRAND (California Institute of Technology) Jose SANCHEZ (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) Julian BUNN (California Institute of Technology) Julio IBARRA (Florida International University) Kihwan KWON (Kyungpook National University) Michael THOMAS (California Institute of Technology) Paul AVERY (University of Florida) Rick SUMMERHILL (Internet2) Rogerio IOPE (Universidade de Sao Paolo) Sanjay RANKA (University of Florida) Sergio NOVAES (Universidade de Sao Paolo) Soh SUZUKI (KEK) Sylvain RAVOT (California Institute of Technology) Yang XIA (California Institute of Technology) Yukio KARITA (KEK)

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