Dietrich Liko
The ATLAS strategy follows a service oriented approach to provide Distributed
Analysis capabilities to its users. Based on initial experiences with an Analysis
service, the ATLAS production system has been evolved to support analysis jobs. As
the ATLAS production system is based on several grid flavours (LCG, OSG and
Nordugrid), analysis jobs will be supported by specific executors on the different
infrastructures (Lexor, CondorG, Panda and Dulcinea). First implementations of some
of these executors in the new schema are currently under test, in particular also
in the Analysis scenario. While submitting jobs to the overall system will provide
seamless access to all ATLAS resources, we also support user analysis by submitting
directly to the separate grid infrastructures (Panda at OSG, direct submission to
LCG and Nordugrid.) A common job definition system is currently under development
that will be supported by all systems. Finally a common user interface project,
GANGA, will provide support for the various submission options and will provide a
consistent user experience. We will review the status of the different subprojects
and report on initial user experiences.
Dietrich Liko