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13–17 Feb 2006
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Europe/Zurich timezone

openlab-II: where are we, where are we going?

13 Feb 2006, 17:20
D405 (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)


Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road Mumbai 400005 India
oral presentation Computing Facilities and Networking Computing Facilities and Networking


Mr Francois Fluckiger (CERN)


The openlab, created three years ago at CERN, was a novel concept: to involve leading IT companies in the evaluation and the integration of cutting-edge technologies or services, focusing on potential solutions for the LCG. The novelty lay in the duration of the commitment (three years during which companies provided a mix of in-kind and in-cash contributions), the level of the contributions and more importantly the collaborative nature of the common undertaking which materialized in the construction of the opencluster. This phase, now called openlab-I, to which five major companies (Enterasys, HP, IBM, Intel and Oracle) contributed, is to be completed at the end of 2005, and a new phase, the openlab-II, is starting in 2006. This new three year period maintains the administrative framework of openlab-I (sufficient duration and level of contribution to permit the pursuit of ambitious goals) and will focus more on grid software, services and standardization. openlab- II comprises two related projects: PCC (the Platform Competence Centre Project) and GIC (the Grid Interoperability Centre Project). These activities can be characterized by a transversal theme: the application of virtualization to grids. The presentation will briefly draw lessons from openlab-I as a collaborative framework for R&D and will summarize the technical achievements. It will then describe the openlab-II projects, their goals, differences and commonalities, and will explain how they could contribute to the formalization of the “Virtualization for Grids” concept.


Presentation materials