13–17 Feb 2006
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Europe/Zurich timezone

An Identity Server Portal for Global Accelerator and Detector Networks

13 Feb 2006, 11:00
7h 10m
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road Mumbai 400005 India
poster Computing Facilities and Networking Poster


Mr Sven Karstensen (DESY Hamburg)


The next generations of large colliders and their experiments will have the advantage that groups from all over the world will participate with their competence to meet the challenges of the future. Therefore it’s necessary to become even more global than in the past, giving members the option of remote access to most controlling parts of this facilities. The experience in the past has shown that a number of problems result from the existing variety of computer systems and their graphical user interfaces which are incompatible to other systems and the possible options to reach them from outside the experimental area. A group at Trieste and DESY is working inside the GANMVL (Global Accelerator Network Multipurpose Virtual Laboratory) project to solve this problem, finding a simple way for the consumer to have remote access with single sign-on personalisation and admission to several systems. We determine problems arising in the implementation of user friendly interfaces, in achieving a look and feel close to the real hardware and in handling software. Also in the future it should be possible to have access simply via any internet browser, without any knowledge about the computer operating systems inside the large facilities. Only one login procedure should be necessary to have access to every integrated system. The current project status shall be outlined.


Mr Sven Karstensen (DESY Hamburg)


Gerhard Grygiel (DESY Hamburg) Kay Rehlich (DESY Hamburg) Raimund Kammering (DESY Hamburg)

Presentation materials