Arthur Kreymer
The SAM data handling system has been deployed successfully by the Fermilab D0 and
CDF experiments, managing Petabytes of data and millions of files in a Grid working
environment. D0 and CDF have large computing support staffs, have always managed
their data using file catalog systems, and have participated strongly in the
development of the SAM product. But we think that SAM's long term viability requires
a much wider deployment to variety of future customers, with minimal support and
training cost and without customization of the SAM software. The recent production
deployment of SAM to the Minos experiment has been a good first step in this
direction. Minos is a smaller experiment, with under 30 terabytes of data in about
600,000 files, and no history of using a file catalog. We will discuss the Minos
deployment and its short time scale, how it has provided useful new capabilities to
Minos, and where we have room for improvement. The acceptance of SAM by Minos has
depended critically on several new capabilities of SAM, including the C++ API, the
frozen client software, and SAM Web Services. We will discuss lessons learned, will
speculate on future deployments, and will invite feedback from the audience in this
Recent develoments in the SAM data management system
make it much easier to deploy to new experiments;
we discuss such a deployment to Minos, and the work
being done to further improve the process.
Arthur Kreymer
Adam Lyon
Alan Sill
(Texas Tech University)
Elizabeth Buckley-Geer
Lauri Loebel-Carpenter
Robert Hatcher
Sinisa Veseli
Stephen White
Valeria Bartsch