John Apostolakis
13/02/2006, 14:00
Event processing applications
oral presentation
Geant4 has become an established tool, in production for the majority of LHC
experiments during the past two years, and in use in many other HEP experiments and
for applications in medical, space and other fields. Improvements and extensions to
its capabilities continue, while its physics modeling are refined and results are
accumulating for its validation for a variety uses. An overview...
Lawrence S. Pinsky
(University of Houston)
13/02/2006, 14:18
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The FLUKA Monte Carlo transport code is a well-known simulation tool in High Energy
Physics. FLUKA is a dynamic tool in the sense that it is being continually updated
and improved by the authors. We review the progress achieved since the last CHEP
Conference on the physics models, and some recent applications. From the point of
view of hadronic physics, most of the effort is still in...
Pedro Arce
(Cent.de Investigac.Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnol. (CIEMAT))
13/02/2006, 14:36
Event processing applications
oral presentation
GEANT4e is a package of the GEANT4 Toolkit that allows to propagate a track with its
error parameters. It uses the standard GEANT4 code to propagate the track and for the
track propagation it makes an helix approximation (with the step controlled by the
user) using the same equations as GEANT3/GEANE. We present here a first working
prototype of the GEANT4e package and compare its results...
Gabriele Cosmo
13/02/2006, 14:54
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The Geometry modeler is a key component of the Geant4 tookit. It has been designed to
exploit at the best the features provided by the Geant4 simulation toolkit, allowing
the description in a natural way of the geometrical structure of complex detectors,
from a few up to the hundreds of thousands of volumes of the LHC experiments, as well
as human phantoms for medical applications or...
Michel Maire
13/02/2006, 15:12
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The current status and the recent developments of Geant4 "Standard" electromagnetic
package are presented. The design iteration of the package carried out for the last
two years is completed. It provides model versus process structure of the code. The
internal database of elements and materials based on the NIST databases is introduced
inside the Geant4 toolkit as well. The focus of...
Andy Buckley
(Durham University),
Andy Buckley
(University of Cambridge)
13/02/2006, 16:00
Event processing applications
oral presentation
Accurate modelling of hadron interactions is essential for the precision analysis of
data from the LHC. It is therefore imperative that the predictions of Monte Carlos
used to model this physics are tested against relevant existing and future
measurements. These measurements cover a wide variety of reactions, experimental
observables and kinematic regions. To make this process more...
Alberto Ribon
13/02/2006, 16:18
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The complexity of the Geant4 code requires careful testing of all of its components,
especially before major releases. In this talk, we will concentrate on the recent
development of an automatic suite for testing hadronic physics in high energy
calorimetry applications. The idea is to use a simplified set of hadronic
calorimeters, with different beam particle types, and various beam...
Aatos Heikkinen
(HIP), Dr
Barbara Mascialino
(INFN Genova), Dr
Francesco Di Rosa
Giacomo Cuttone
Giorgio Russo
Giuseppe Antonio Pablo Cirrone
Maria Grazia Pia
Susanna Guatelli
(INFN Genova)
13/02/2006, 16:36
Event processing applications
oral presentation
A project is in progress for a systematic, rigorous, quantitative validation of all
Geant4 physics models against experimental data, to be collected in a Geant4 Physics
Due to the complexity of Geant4 hadronic physics, the validation of Geant4 hadronic
models proceeds according to a bottom-up approach (i.e. from the lower energy range
up to higher energies): this approach allows...
Barbara Mascialino
(INFN Genova), Dr
Federico Ravotti
(CERN), Dr
Maria Grazia Pia
Maurice Glaser
(CERN), Dr
Michael Moll
(CERN), Dr
Riccardo Capra
(INFN Genova)
13/02/2006, 16:54
Event processing applications
oral presentation
Monitoring radiation background is a crucial task for the operation of LHC
experiments. A project is in progress at CERN for the optimisation of the radiation
monitors for LHC experiments. A general, flexibly configurable simulation system
based on Geant4, designed to assist the engineering optimisation of LHC radiation
monitor detectors, is presented. Various detector packaging...
Satoru Kameoka
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation)
13/02/2006, 17:12
Event processing applications
oral presentation
Geant4 is a toolkit to simulate the passage of a particle through matter based on
Monte Carlo method. Geant4 incorporates many of available experimental data and
theoretical models over wide energy region, extending its application scope not only
to high energy physics but also medical physics, astro-physics, etc. We have
developed a simulation framework for heavy ion therapy system based...
Adele Rimoldi
(University of Pavia)
13/02/2006, 17:30
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The simulation program for the ATLAS experiment at CERN is currently in a full
operational mode and integrated into the ATLASโs common analysis framework, ATHENA.
The OO approach, based on GEANT4, and in use during the DC2 data challenge has been
interfaced within ATHENA and to GEANT4 using the LCG dictionaries and Python
scripting. The robustness of the application was proved during the...
Roger Jones
(Lancaster University)
13/02/2006, 17:48
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The project โEvtGen in ATLASโ has the aim of accommodating EvtGen into the LHC-ATLAS
context. As such it comprises both physics and software aspects of the development.
ATLAS has developed interfaces to enable the use of EvtGen within the experiment's
object-oriented simulation and data-handling framework ATHENA, and furthermore has
enabled the running of the software on the LCG. ...
Maya Stavrianakou
14/02/2006, 14:00
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The CMS simulation based on the Geant4 toolkit and the CMS object-oriented framework
has been in production for almost two years and has delivered a total of more than a
100 M physics events for the CMS Data Challenges and Physics Technical Design Report
studies. The simulation software has recently been successfully ported to the new CMS
Event-Data-Model based software framework. In this...
Andreas Salzburger
14/02/2006, 14:18
Event processing applications
oral presentation
Various systematic physics and detector performance studies with the ATLAS detector
require very large event samples. To generate those samples, a fast simulation
technique is used instead of the full detector simulation, which often takes too much
effort in terms of computing time and storage space. The widely used ATLAS fast
simulation program ATLFAST, however, is based on intial four...
Joanna Weng
14/02/2006, 14:36
Event processing applications
oral presentation
An object-oriented package for parameterizing electromagnetic showers in the
framework of the Geant4 toolkit has been developed. This parameterization is based on
the algorithms in the GFLASH package (implemented in Geant3 / FORTRAN), but has been
adapted to the new simulation context of Geant4. This package can substitute the full
tracking of high energy electrons/positrons(normally form...
Edward Moyse
(University of Massachusetts)
14/02/2006, 14:54
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The event data model (EDM) of the ATLAS experiment is presented. For large
collaborations like the ATLAS experiment common interfaces and data objects are a
necessity to insure easy maintenance and coherence of the experiments software
platform over a long period of time. The ATLAS EDM improves commonality across the
detector subsystems and subgroups such as trigger, test beam...
Christopher Jones
14/02/2006, 15:12
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The new CMS Event Data Model and Framework that will be used for the high level
trigger, reconstruction, simulation and analysis is presented. The new framework is
centered around the concept of an Event. A data processing job is composed of a
series of algorithms (e.g., a track finder or track fitter) that run in a particular
order. The algorithms only communicate via data stored in...
Federico Carminati
14/02/2006, 16:00
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The ALICE Offline framework is now in its 8th year of development and is now close to
be used for data taking. This talk will provide a short description of the history of
AliRoot and then will describe the latest developments. The newly added alignment
framework, based on the ROOT geometrical modeller will be described. The experience
with the FLUKA MonteCarlo used for full detector...
Weidong Li
(IHEP, Beijing)
14/02/2006, 16:18
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The BESIII is a general-purpose experiment for studying electron-positron collision
at BEPCII, which is currently under construction at IHEP, Beijing. The BESIII offline
software system is built on the Gaudi architecture. This contribution describes the
BESIII specific framework implementation for offline data processing and physics
analysis. And we will also present the development status...
Frank Gaede
14/02/2006, 16:36
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The International Linear Collider project ILC is in a very active R&D phase where
currently three different detector concepts are developed in international working
groups. In order to investigate and optimize the different detector concepts and
their physics potential it is highly desirable to have flexible and easy to use
software tools. In this talk we present Marlin, a modular C++...
Denis Bertini
(GSI Darmstadt)
14/02/2006, 16:54
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The simulation and analysis framework of the CBM collaboration will be presented. CBM
(Compressed Baryonic Matter) is an experiment at the future FAIR (Facility for
Antiproton and Ion Research) in Darmstadt. The goal of the experiment is to explore
the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter in high-energy nucleus-nucleus
The Virtual Monte Carlo concept allows...
Andreas.Morsch@cern.ch Morsch
14/02/2006, 17:12
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The ALICE Offline Project has developed a virtual interface to the detector transport
code called Virtual Monte Carlo. It isolates the user code from changes of the
detector simulation package and hence allows a seamless transition from GEANT3 to
Moreover, a new geometrical modeler has been developed in collaboration with the ROOT
team, and successfully interfaced to...
Tommaso Boccali
(Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN Pisa)
14/02/2006, 17:30
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The Reconstruction Software for the CMS detector is designed to serve multiple use
cases, from the online triggering of the High Level Trigger to the offline analysis.
The software is based on the CMS Framework, and comprises reconstruction modules
which can be scheduled independently. These produce and store event data ranging from
low-level objects to objects useful for analysis on...
Marian Ivanov
14/02/2006, 17:48
Event processing applications
oral presentation
An overview of the online reconstruction algorithms for the ALICE Time Projection
Chamber and Inner Tracking System is given. Both the tracking efficiency and the time
performance of the algorithms are presented in details. The application of the
tracking algorithms in possible high transverse momentum jet and open charm triggers
is discussed.
David Primor
(Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL (CERN))
15/02/2006, 14:00
Event processing applications
oral presentation
This talk presents new methods to address the problem of muon track identification
in the monitored drift tube chambers (MDT) of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer. Pattern
recognition techniques, employed by the current reconstruction software suffer when
exposed to the high background rates expected at the LHC. We propose new techniques,
exploiting existing knowledge of the detector...
15/02/2006, 14:18
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The Solenoid Tracker At RHIC (STAR) experiment has observed luminosity fluctuations
on time scales much shorter than expected during its design and construction. These
operating conditions lead to rapid variations in distortions of data from the STAR
TPC which are dependent upon the luminosity and planned techniques for calibrating
these distortions became insufficient to provide high...
Anselmo Cervera Villanueva
(University of Geneva)
15/02/2006, 14:36
Event processing applications
oral presentation
RecPack is a general reconstruction toolkit, which can be used as a base for any
reconstruction program for a HEP detector. Its main functionalities are track
finding, fitting, propagation and matching. Track fitting can be done either via
conventional least squares methods or Kalman Filter techniques. The last, in
conjunction with the matching package, allows simultaneous track finding...
Tapio Lampen
15/02/2006, 14:54
Event processing applications
oral presentation
Modern tracking detectors are composed of a large number of modules assembled in a
hierarchy of support structures. The sensor modules are assembled in ladders or
petals. Ladders and petals in turn are assembled in cylindrical or disk-like layers
and layers are assembled to make a complete tracking device. Sophisticated
geometrical calibration is essential in these kind of detector...
Vakhtang Tsulaia
15/02/2006, 15:12
Event processing applications
oral presentation
This talk addresses two issues related to the implementation of a variable software
description of the ATLAS detector. The first topic is how we implement an evolving
description of an evolving ATLAS detector, including special configurations at
varying levels of realism, in a way which plugs into the simulation and
reconstruction software. The second topic is how time-dependent...
Marian Ivanov
15/02/2006, 16:00
Event processing applications
oral presentation
Tracks finding and fitting algorithm in ALICE barrel detectors, Time projection
chamber (TPC), Inner Tracking System (ITS), Transition radiation detector (TRD) based
on the Kalman-filtering are presented. The filtering algorithm is able to cope with
non-Gaussian noise and ambiguous measurements in high-density environments. The
approach have been implemented within the ALICE...
Liliana Teodorescu
(Brunel University)
15/02/2006, 16:18
Event processing applications
oral presentation
Evolutionary Algorithms, with Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Genetic Programming (GP) as
the most known versions, have a gradually increasing presence in High Energy Physics.
They were proven successful in solving problems such as regression, parameter
optimisation and event selection. Gene Expression Programming (GEP) is a new
evolutionary algorithm that combines the advantages of both GA...
Christopher Jones
15/02/2006, 16:36
Event processing applications
oral presentation
In order to properly understand the data taken for an HEP Event, information external
to the Event must be available. Such information includes geometry descriptions,
calibrations values, magnetic field readings plus many more. CMS has chosen a unified
approach to access to such information via a data model based on the concept of an
'Interval of Validity', IOV. This data model is...
15/02/2006, 16:54
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The LHCb alignment framework allows clients of the LHCb detector description software
suite (DetDesc) to modify the position of components of the detector at run-time and
see the changes propagated to all users of the detector geometry. DetDesc is used in
the simulation, digitization and reconstruction phases of data processing and the
alignment framework is available in all these stages....
Adlene Hicheur
(Particle Physics)
15/02/2006, 17:12
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The ATLAS Inner Detector is composed of a pixel detector (PIX), a silicon strip
detector (SCT) and a Transition radiation tracker (TRT). The goal of the algorithm
is to align the silicon based detectors (PIX and SCT) using a global fit of the
alignment constants. The total number of PIX and SCT silicon modules is about 35000,
leading to many challenges. The current presentation will focus...
Pedro Arce
(Cent.de Investigac.Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnol. (CIEMAT))
15/02/2006, 17:30
Event processing applications
oral presentation
We describe a C++ software that is able to reconstruct the positions, angular
orientations and internal optical parameters of any optical system described by a
seamless combination of many different types of optical objects. The program also
handles the propagation of uncertainties, what makes it very useful to simulate the
system in the design phase. The software is currently in use by...
Andrea Dotti
(Universitร and INFN Pisa)
16/02/2006, 14:00
Event processing applications
oral presentation
ATLAS is one of the four experiments under construction along the Large Hadron
Collider ring at CERN. During the last few years much effort has gone in carrying out
test beam sessions that allowed to assess the performance of ATLAS sub-detectors.
During the data taking we have started the development of an histogram display
application designed to satisfy the needs of all ATLAS...
Giacomo Bruno
(UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
16/02/2006, 14:18
Event processing applications
oral presentation
At the end of 2004 CMS decided to redesign the software framework used for simulation
and reconstruction. The new design includes a completely revisited event data model.
This new software will be used in the first months of 2006 for the so called Magnet
Test Cosmic Challenge (MTCC). The MTCC is a slice test in which a small fraction of
all the CMS detection equipment is expected to be...
Zdenek Maxa
(University College London)
16/02/2006, 14:36
Event processing applications
oral presentation
We describe the design of Atlantis, an event visualisation program for the ATLAS
experiment at CERN, and the other supporting applications within the visualisation
project, mainly focusing on the technologies employed. The ATLAS visualisation
consists of several parts with Atlantis being the central application. The main
purpose of Atlantis is to help visually investigate and intuitively...
Stephen Watts
(Brunel University)
16/02/2006, 14:54
Event processing applications
oral presentation
Visualisation of data in particle physics currently involves event displays,
histograms and scatterplots. Since 1975 there has been an explosion of techniques for
data visualisation driven by highly interactive computer systems and ideas from
statistical graphics. This field has been driven by demands for data mining of large
databases and genomics. Two key areas are direct manipulation of...
Suchandra Dutta
(Scuola Normale Superiore, INFN, Pisa), Dr
Vincenzo Chiochia
(University of Zurich)
16/02/2006, 15:12
Event processing applications
oral presentation
The CMS silicon tracker, consisting of about 17,000 detector modules divided into
micro-strip and pixel sensors, will be the largest silicon tracker ever realized for
high energy physics experiments. The detector performance will be monitored using
applications based on the CMS Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) framework and running on
the High-Level Trigger Farm as well as local DAQ systems....