The general purpose Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment is now well into the
construction of its very high performance, homogeneous electromagnetic calorimeter
(ECAL), made of about 76000 lead tungstate scintillating crystals(36 super-modules
of the barrel and eight quadrants of the endcaps).
The low light yield (~ 50 photons/MeV) requires photodetectors with internal gains,
while the strong temperature dependence both of the crystal response and of the
photodetectors (1/LY dLY/dt ~ -5%/C), imposes to control and stabilize the detector
temperature with high precision (< 0.1 C).To achieve the best energy resolution
measuring electrons and photons, over a wide energy range (~100 MeV to ~1.5 TeV),
the contributions by fluctuations of shower development, by instrumental and
calibration limits must be minimized. To cut down external noise, much of the
readout electronics has been mounted within the detector, with severe constraints
on radiation hardness, high speed (40 MHz), wide dynamic range (90dB). The system
architecture of the readout electronics was revised and heavily changed during the
past two years. The trigger primitive generation, the digital pipeline, and the
primary event buffers are implemented in the front-end, reducing by an order of
magnitude the number of optical data links to carry data off the detector. Full
custom-integrated circuits were developed in 0.25 um CMOS technology,
intrinsecally radiation hard, using a single 2.5 V supply and a low power
consumption (< 3 W/channel). A Multi-Gain PreAmplifier (MGPA - 3 gains 1:6:12)
amplifies each photodetector signal as the input of a 12 bit multi-channel ADC.
The output of the ADC corresponding to the highest unsaturated gain, together with
the information of the amplifier gain, is stored in a pipeline before the Level 1
accept signal allows it to be read from the DAQ. The basic element of the on-
detector architecture is the 5x5 crystals Trigger Tower, where 25 channels are
read, amplified, digitized and stored into the pipeline of the FENIX (Front-End New
Intermediate data eXtractor)ASIC chips. A Mother Board distributes HV to the
photodetectors, and LV from the LVRB (Low Voltage Regulator Board) to the five VFE
(Very Front-End) boards. Each VFE, containing five MGPA and five ADCs, receives the
signals from a row of five crystals to be shaped and digitized, while reading
photodetectors'leakage currents and crystal temperature using a Detector Control
Unit (DCU). A FE (Front-End) board with seven FENIX chips stores and processes the
digitized data during the Level 1 trigger latency of 3 us. Both trigger data and
digitized data from the triggered event are transmitted to the off-detector
electronics, the so called Upper Level Readout (ULR), through serial digital 800
Mb/s data links.A well developed clock and control link transmits the Level 1
trigger decision as well as slow control for configuration. A full barrel
supermodule with the final on-detector electronics has been tested on an electron
beam to measure the front-end electronics performance.