The paper explains the design and the construction of an end-ladder card prototype
for the Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) experiment, part of the Inner Tracking System
(ITS) of the A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE). The end-ladder card interfaces
with the Front-End Electronics (FEE) and elaborates and transmits the dataset
received from the FEE through an optical channel to the counting room. The paper
describes also the design of the tests that have been carried out on the Printed
Circuit Board prototype.
The dataset that originate from the FEE enters the card through the Molex connectors
and is read by CARLOS chip. This performs basically a bi-dimensional compression
during the normal DAQ mode and works as a system JTAG switch during the FEE
configuration. CARLOS reduces and packs the dataset and its outputs is serialized
via the Gigabit Optical Link (GOL) serializer chip that interfaces, by means of an
800Mb/s link, with the laser diode. Finally, GOL serializes the dataset that is
reconstructed within the Counting Room Emulator by a mirroring de-serializer device
that output the data to the state analyzer instruments. As the GOL chip requires a
low-jitter clock signal, as low as 50 ps, the QPLL clock filter chip has been
applied. This locks the 40MHz clock signal, derived from one of the two pin-diodes,
on a very-low-jitter 160 MHz crystal (XTAL). Then this frequencies is divided by
four passed to the GOL and CARLOS chips. The chips are powered with a 2.5 V low-
voltage regulator (LHC4913) that is configured for an overall current of 400 mA.
All the components embedded into the End-Ladder Prototype card are Application
Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) designed to be radiation-tolerant to the total
ionizing dose that is estimated (nearly 30 krad) for a 10-years of data-taking
within the ALICE ITS environment.
The amount of data generated by the SDD originates from 2 half detectors for each
CARLOS chip. As each half detector is composed of 256 anodes and, for each anode,
256 time samples are taken in order to cover the full drift (time) length,
altogether each detector is able to generate a dataset made up of 256 × 256 data
words. The two half detectors’ dataset are read by the two channels of CARLOS chip.
Thus, the readout electronics is composed of FEE boards, which collect data from
the SDDs and End-Ladder boards that reduce, pack and serialize the dataset. Then
this is sent to the counting room where it is reconstructed as it was transmitted.
To simulate the whole readout system a dedicated hardware and software test
architecture has been designed. First, a pattern generator provides the input
vectors that emulate the real SDD data. Second, the ALICE Detector Data Link system
has been mounted in our laboratory to provide the FEE and the DUT cards with the
necessary signals and controls as it were transmitted from the counting room. In
this way we have designed a whole copy of the SDD readout system and, since that
time, we have been able to emulate the data taking.