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- Indico Weeks View
"The next few years should be very exciting, but also require much effort on the part of theorists and experimentalists to be more quantitative in their studies and in the expectations of what physics can be gained as we pass out of the initial exploratory phase"
BNL PAC 1st October 2004
This (spin) program is now poised to make the basic measurement of the gluon spin distribution in the proton and to begin the new study of transversity measurements.
BNL PAC 1st October 2004
"The physics topic of deuteron-gold reactions is an important topic to pursue at RHIC. It is essential however to expand the capabilities of the existing detectors beyond single inclusive measurements and also to further define focused physics goals. However, difficult decisions may need to be made concerning long deuteron-gold (or preferably proton-gold) studies weighed against continued spin development and detector upgrade funding."
BNL PAC 1st October 2004
Please contact Michael if you can give or need a ride to the airport.