Astrid Muennich
(RWTH Aachen)
A high resolution TPC with gas amplification based on micro pattern
gas detectors is a promising candidate for the main tracker at the
ILC detector. The physics goals and the expected enviroment at the
ILC requires the development of a TPC with unprecedented performance.
Extensive R&D work has started to meet these challenges. We studied
the process of ion backdrift and significant reduction was reached
using special settings of theGEM structures. The influence of the
space charge, produced by the remaining ions, on the track
reconstruction has been investigated.
To further study the spatial resolution of a GEM-based TPC, a
prototype with a low-mass field cage was constructed and operated
within a high-resolution hodoscope based on silicon-strip
detectors. Measurements of this prototype in high magnetic fields
and in test beams are scheduled. Additionally, we spent extensive
effort on the development of an accurate numerical simulation of the
effects in our TPC, such as drift, diffusion and gas amplification.
The talk will give a status report of our R&D work and will address
the questions which still have to be answered in order to meet the
challenges of the ILC.
Primary author
Stefan Roth
(RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Astrid Muennich
(RWTH Aachen)