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- Mohammed Alnafea (University of Surrey)
- Attilio Andreazza (ATLAS Pixel Collaboration)
Asimakis Asimidis
(University of Ioannina)
- Speaker at A compact PC-based X-ray Imaging System
Stephane Aune
(DAPNIA, Centre d' Etudes de Saclay, Gif sur Yvette Cedex 91191, France)
- Speaker at Bulk-Micromegas detector technology
- Jerome Beucher (Ecole des Mines de Nantes)
- Stephen Biagi (University of Liverpool)
- Andrew Blue (Dept. Of Physics & Astronomy, University of Glasgow)
- Sebastien Bonzom (IPN Orsay, France)
- J.C. Bourgoin (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
- Themis Bowcock (University of Liverpool)
- Amos Breskin (The Weizmann Institue of Science)
Manuel Caamano Fresco
(University of Santiago Compostela)
- Speaker at MAYA, a gaseous active target
- James Carpenter (Space Research Centre, University of Leicester)
- Wilton Catford (University of Surrey)
- Bo Cederwall (Department of Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)
Kan-Cheung Cheung
(Daresbury Laboratory)
- Speaker at RAPID2 Readout for Gas Micro Strip Detector
- Jan Conrad (PH/EP Dept., CERN)
- Reynold Cooper (University of Liverpool)
- Suzanne Crittell (University of Liverpool)
- Colin Cunningham (Director, Technological Development, Royal Obervatory)
- Matthew Dimmock (University of Liverpool)
- Andrea Fant (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
Wasi Faruqi
(MRC Lab.Molec.Biology, Cambridge,UK)
- Speaker at Novel Pixel Detectors for Structural Biology
- Javier Fernandez (IEKP, Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Ferran Fernandez Banque (LLS, Barcelona, Spain)
- Ferran Fernandez Banque (LLS, Barcelona, Spain)
- Celeste Fleta (Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica)
Mary-Cruz Fouz-Iglesias
(CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain)
- Speaker at The CMS Muon system
- Brian Fulton (University of York)
- Alexander Furgeri (University of Karlsruhe)
- Robert Glover (University of York)
- Heinz Graafsma (ESRF, France)
- Thomas Greig (Brunel University)
- David Hastings (Christie Hospital)
- Kaori Hattori (Cosmic Ray Group, Dept. of Physics, Kyoto Univ.)
Erik Heijne
- Speaker at New Detectors, New Physics, New Life
- Deborah Herbert (INFN Pisa)
- Junko Hiraga (JAXA/ISIS, Kanagawa, Japan)
- Andrew Holland (Brunel University)
- Christian Iacobaeus (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden)
- Amir Intisar (School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University)
- Derek Ives (UK Astronomy Technology Centre, Edinburgh)
- Michael Karagounis (Universitaet Bonn)
- Masaki Katagiri (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute)
- Masaki Kataigiri (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute)
- Dhiren Kataria (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London)
Peter Kodys
(Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Charles University)
- Speaker at Laser Tests Of Silicon Strip Detectors
- Junko Kohagura (Plasma Research Centre, University of Tsukuba)
- Junko Kohagura (Plasma Research Centre, University of Tsukuba)
- Junko Kohagura (Plasma Research Centre, University of Tsukuba)
- Andrzej Kotarba (Polish Academy of Sciences)
- Konstantinos Kousouris (Nuclear Physics, NCSR Demokritos)
- Vasilij Kozlov (University of Helsinki, Finland)
- Alison Laird (University of York)
- Dave Langstaff (University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK)
- Jon Lapington (Space Research Centre, University of Leicester)
- Sorina Lazanu (National Institute for Materials Physics, Romania)
- Robert Lewis (Monash University, Australia)
- Robert Lewis (Monash University, Australia)
- Robert Lewis (Monash University)
- Robert Lewis (Monash University, Australia)
- Robert Lewis (Monash University, Australia)
Alex Lindote
(University of Coimbra)
- Speaker at ZEPLIN III: Position Sensitivity
- Nicholas Lockerbie (University of Strathclyde)
- Gerhard Lutz (MPI Halbleiterlabor, Munich)
- Anna Macchiolo (INFN Firenze and Università di Firenze, Italy)
Anatoly Maltsev
(JINR, Russia)
- Speaker at Infrared Synchrotron Diagnostics as a New Perspective Direction in the Physics and Technology of Accelerator Experiments
- Speaker at Measurement of a Infrared Synchrotron Radiation of Beam Density Profile and it's Fluctuations
- Speaker at Optics of Position-Sensitive Detectors for Infra-Red Synchrotron Accelerator Diagnostics
- Anatoly Maltsev (JINR. Dubna)
- Spyros Manolopoulos (CLRC-RAL)
- R.Ferreira Marques (Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas , Portugal)
- Adrian Martindale (University of Leicester)
- Andrew Mather (University of Liverpool)
- Keith Mathieson (University of Glasgow)
Serena Mattiazzo
(University of Padova, Dept. of Physics & INFN Padova)
- Speaker at Innovative CCD based PSD system
- Jamil Mir (CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
- Ankush Mitra (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica Taiwan/Fermilab, USA)
- Astrid Muennich (RWTH Aachen)
- Neil Murray (Brunel University)
- Kazuhiro Nakazawa (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science / Japan Aerospace)
- Kazuhiro Nakazawa (Department of High Energy Astrophysics, ISAS/JAXA, Japan)
Hugo Natal da Luz
(University of Coimbra)
- Speaker at MHSP with position detection capability
- Speaker at MHSP with position detection capability
- Laura Nelson (University of Liverpool)
- Francisco Neves (University of Coimbra)
- Hironobu Nishimura (Kyoto University, Japan)
Paul Nolan
(University of Liverpool)
- Speaker at Opening Remarks
Martin O'Brien
(UKAEA Fusion Programme Manager)
- Speaker at Keynote Address
- Bob Ott (University of Surrey, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories and the Institute of Cancer Research)
- Bob Ott (Institute of Cancer, Royal Marsden Hospital, London)
- Robert Page (University of Liverpool)
- Tanja Palviainen (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland)
- Silvia Pani (University College London)
- James Parkin (University of Surrey)
- Giulio Pellegrini (Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
- Vladimir Peskov (Leonard de Vinci University, France)
- Dale Philips (Monash University, Australia)
Steven Plank
(University of Edinburgh)
- Speaker at A Directional Dark Matter Detector
- Ignacio Redondo-Fernandez (Department of Radiotherapy Physics, Weston Park Hospital)
- Lars Reuen (Bonn University, Germany)
- Nigel Rhodes
- Alexander Rodin (Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Russia)
- Sabina Ronchin (ITC-irst, Trento, Italy)
- Fred Ruddell (Northern Ireland Semiconductor Research Centre)
- Alireza Sadrmomtaz (University of Birmingham)
Jon Saunders
(University of Liverpool Pro Vice Chancellor for Research)
- Speaker at Welcome to the University of Liverpool
- Michael Schumaker (University of Guelph)
- David Scraggs (University of Liverpool)
- Kamil SEDLAK (University of Oxford)
- Gabriele Segneri (INFN Pisa and Università di Pisa, Italy)
- Hiroyuki Sekiya (Kyoto University)
- Paul Sellin (University of Surrey)
- Kenji Shimazoe (Department of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Graham Smith
(Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
- Speaker at Some Novel Gas-Based Techniques
Steve Snow
(University of Manchester)
- Speaker at Construction of the ATLAS SCT Endcap Modules
- Paul Soler (University of Glasgow)
- Timothy Sumner (Imperial College London)
Atsushi Takada
(Kyoto University)
- Speaker at A very large area Micro Pixel Chamber
- Hiroyuki Takahashi (School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, JAPAN)
- Ilhan Tapan (Uludag Universitesi)
- Noriaka Tawa (Osaka University)
- Johannes Treis (MPI Munich)
- Yuri Tsyganov (JINR, Dubna)
- Renato Turchetta (RAL)
- Gerard Turk (University of Liverpool)
- Harry van der Graaf (National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High-Energy Physics, The Netherlands)
Richard Wade
(PPARC Deputy Chief Executive and Director Programmes)
- Speaker at Keynote Address
- Nick Waltham (Space Science and Technology Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
- Dave Walton (Mullard Space Science Lab, University College London)
Colin Whitehouse
(CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory)
- Speaker at Welcome to the Daresbury Laboratory