Ankush Mitra
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica Taiwan/Fermilab, USA)
The CDFII silicon detector with its 8 layers of double-sided silicon
microstrip sensors and a total 722,432 readout channels is one of
the largest silicon detector devices presently in use by a HEP
experiment. We report our experience commissioning and operating this
complex device during the first four years of Tevatron Run II
program. The performance of the system and its impact on physics
analysis are reviewed. As the luminosity delivered by the Tevatron
increases, measurable effects of radiation damage have been observed.
Recently updated studies of charge collection and noise versus
applied bias voltage at several different integrated luminosities
will be presented. These results and their impact on the expected
lifetime of the detector will be discussed.
Primary author
Rong-Shyang Lu
(Inst. of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)
Ankush Mitra
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica Taiwan/Fermilab, USA)