Sep 12 – 16, 2005
University of Liverpool
Europe/Zurich timezone

GREAT – a Position Sensitive Spectrometer for Studying Exotic Nuclei

Sep 15, 2005, 10:30 AM
University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool

Greenbank Conference Park
Board: P28/2
Contributed Poster Applications in Nuclear Physics P : Coffee and Poster Session


Dr Robert Page (University of Liverpool)


GREAT is a Position Sensitive Spectrometer for Studying Exotic Nuclei. It is a detector designed for use in the focal plane of Gas Filled Recoil Separators. The detector system measures alpha, beta, gamma, protons and electron decays of separated fusion products. The GREAT detector consists of a multi-wire proportional counter, 28 Si PIN diodes, two 60x40mm double sided silicon strip detectors, a double sided germanium strip detector and one large germanium Clover detector. The poster will describe the GREAT spectrometer.

Primary author

Dr Robert Page (University of Liverpool)

Presentation materials

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