12–16 Sept 2005
University of Liverpool
Europe/Zurich timezone

Fast Scintillator Strip Position Detector with R7400 Photomultipliers Readout used in ZEUS Experiment at HERA II Collider

15 Sept 2005, 10:30
University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool

Greenbank Conference Park
Board: P48
Contributed Poster Applications in Particle Physics P : Coffee and Poster Session


Mr Andrzej Kotarba (Polish Academy of Sciences)


A position sensitive scintillator strip detector used for the Luminosity Monitor of the ZEUS experiment is described. The detector readout based on the R7400 photomultipliers is presented. It offers satisfactory spatial resolution of 3 mm and a good signal to noise ratio that allows to run at the rate up to 10 MHz. The data obtained with the position detector are used for luminosity measurement and also for the monitoring and on-line correction of the HERA II beams.

Primary author

Mr Andrzej Kotarba (Polish Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials