2nd Regional ICFA Instrumentation School - Istanbul

Main Auditorium (Istanbul Technical University)

Main Auditorium

Istanbul Technical University

A. H. Walenta
  • Wednesday 31 August
    • 09:00 12:00
      Lecture Courses
      • 09:00
        Phys. & Principles of Rad. Detection I 15m
        Speaker: C. Grupen
        more information
      • 09:05
        Data acquisition and triggering I 15m
        Speaker: P. Vande Vyvre
      • 09:10
        Phys. & Principles of Rad. Detection II 15m
        Speaker: C. Grupen
      • 09:15
        Electronics and Signal Proc. for Rad. Detectors I 15m
        Speaker: C. Fiorini, C. Guazzoni
        more information
      • 09:20
        DAQ and triggering II 15m
        Speaker: P. Vande Vyvre
      • 09:25
        Electronics and Signal Proc. for Rad. Detectors II 15m
        Speaker: C. Fiorini, C. Guazzoni
        more information
      • 09:30
        Introduction to Particle Physics I 15m
        Speaker: R. Sever
        more information
      • 09:35
        HEP in Astroparticle Physics 15m
        Speaker: B. Alpat
        more information
      • 09:40
        Introduction to Particle Physics II 15m
        Speaker: J. Freeman
        more information
      • 09:45
        Copper and Bronze 15m
        Speaker: J. Freeman
        more information
      • 09:50
        Calorimeters I 15m
        Speaker: R. Wigmans
        more information
      • 09:55
        Calorimetry II 15m
        Speaker: R. Wigmans
        more information
      • 10:00
        HEP in Astroparticle Physics 15m
        Speaker: A. Vacchi
        more information
      • 10:05
        Challenges of LHC 15m
        Speaker: B. Mellado
        more information
      • 10:10
        Experiments at the Linear Collider 15m
        Speaker: F. Sefkow
        more information
      • 10:15
        Silicon Detectors 15m
        Speaker: T. Conka
        more information
      • 10:20
        X-ray Optics and Applications 15m
        Speaker: E. Forster
      • 10:25
        Detectors for Medical Physics 15m
        Speaker: A. H. Walenta
    • 13:00 17:00
      Laboratory Courses
      • 13:00
        Signal Readout and Processing 15m
        Speaker: S. Cihangir, M. Sheaff
      • 13:05
        X-ray Fluorescence 15m
        Speaker: A. Longoni
      • 13:10
        Positron Annihilation 15m
        Speaker: U. Yahşi
      • 13:15
        Silicon Strip Detectors 15m
        Speaker: E. Crescio, A. Rudge
        more information
      • 13:20
        Scintillating Fibers 15m
        Speaker: M. Atac, Saim Selvi, Mithat Kaya
      • 13:25
        Compton Scattering/Coincidence Measurements 15m
        Speaker: K. Nurdan, A.H. Walenta, K. Cankocak
        more information
      • 13:30
        Proportional Counter 15m
        Speaker: H. Sipilä
      • 13:35
        Drift Chamber 15m
        Speaker: A.H. Walenta, T. Çonka, S. Ozkorucuklu
        more information
      • 13:40
        X-ray Diffraction 15m
        Speaker: E. Förster
      • 13:45
        Muon Life Time Measurements 15m
        Speaker: Cenap Özben