1:30 PM
(until 6:35 PM)
1:30 PM
Higgs physics
Scott Willenbrock
(UI at Urbana-Champaign)
1:50 PM
Higgs production within SUSY and dynamic symmetry breaking
Sasha Belyaev
2:10 PM
MSSM Higgs production with bottom quarks
Chris Jackson
2:30 PM
Resummation of a Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Bottom Quark
Bryan Field
2:50 PM
Resummation for Higgs production in heavy flavor fusion processes
Pavel Nadolsky
3:10 PM
Inclusive production of a Z boson in association with heavy quarks
Tom McElmurry
(UI at Urbana-Champaign)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee ---
4:00 PM
Updates on Higgs and Dark Matter in the NMSSM
Jack Gunion
(UC Davis)
4:20 PM
H->AA at the Tevatron
GuiYu Huang
(University of Wisconsin, Madison)
4:40 PM
Higgs production through WBF and gluon fusion at the LHC
Fulvio Piccinini
5:00 PM
WH->lnubb results from CDF
Jason Nielsen
5:20 PM
WH->lnubb results from D0
Hyunwoo Kim
(University of Texas, Arlington)
6:00 PM
ZH->vvbb results from CDF
Viktor Veszpremi
(Purdue University)
6:20 PM
HZ->nunu bb results from D0
Makoto Tomoto
1:30 PM
(until 6:00 PM)
1:30 PM
Bs -> mu+mu- at Tevatron
C.-J. Lin
(Fermilab and CDF)
1:50 PM
Electrons and photons
Y. Gershtein
(Florida State)
2:10 PM
Identifying taus, from D0 to ATLAS
M. Heldmann
(U. Freiburg)
2:30 PM
SM background for SUSY search at ATLAS (ME and fake missing MET)
Shoji Asai
(Department of Physics Particle Physics)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee ---
4:00 PM
Distinguishing SUSY from UED
K. Kong
(U. Florida)
4:20 PM
Measuring virtual slepton masses at LHC
C. Group
(U. Florida)
4:40 PM
Single KK production in UED models
C. Macesanu
(Syracuse U.)
5:00 PM
Distinguishing between long-lived stable, massive charged particles
David Anthony Milstead
(Stockholm University)
1:30 PM
(until 6:00 PM)
1:30 PM
See joint session for Top-EW-QCD below for 1:30-3:30 slot
4:00 PM
M. Wobisch
(Fermilab and D0)
4:30 PM
Progress report on Samper
Giele, W.
5:00 PM
The Cedar project
Emily Nurse
5:20 PM
Who does what for the writeup
1:30 PM
(until 4:00 PM)
1:30 PM
CKKW studies and other news
Joey Huston
2:00 PM
New tunes with Pythia and Jimmy
Rick Field
(Univ. of Florida)
2:30 PM
C. Group
(U. Florida)
3:00 PM
CTEQ alpha_s series and the road to CTEQ7
Dan Stump (by video)
(Michigan State University)
3:30 PM
--- Coffee ---
4:00 PM
Top-Electroweak: single top session
(until 6:00 PM)
4:00 PM
Single top production at NLO
C.-P. Yuan
(Michigan State University)
4:15 PM
Exploiting asymmetries in single top searches
Matt Bowen
(University of Washington)
4:30 PM
Angular Correlations in Single Top Production
Zack Sullivan
(Argonne National Lab)
4:45 PM
Validation of Single-Top MC Samples at CDF
Wolfgang Wagner
(Universitat Karlsruhe)
5:00 PM
Tevatron searches for single top (D0)
Aran Garcia Bellido
5:10 PM
Tevatron searches for single top (CDF)
Catalin Ciobanu
(Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champain)
5:20 PM
Single top production at the LHC
Florent Chevallier
5:40 PM
Single Top section of the report: Discussion
Aran Garcia Bellido