5–11 Feb 2017
Hyatt Regency Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Calibration and Performance of EMCal and DCAL Detectors at ALICE

Not scheduled
2h 30m
Hyatt Regency Chicago

Hyatt Regency Chicago

151 East Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60601
Board: C15


Justin Thomas Blair (University of Texas (US))


ALICE at the LHC is designed to explore the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) state resulting from high energy heavy-ion collisions. The ALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMCal) can be used to measure hard probes of the initial collision, including jets, high $p_T$ photons, neutral mesons ($\pi^0$, $\eta$, $\omega$), and electrons. For LHC Run 2 (2015-2018) an additional detector was installed on the opposite side of the beam axis, the Di-Jet Calorimeter (DCal). The DCal provides the angular coverage necessary to facilitate jet-jet, hadron-jet, and $\gamma$-jet correlations, while also acting as a same-event background estimator for EMCal measurements in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions. In order to accurately perform these measurements, the EMCal and DCal must be calibrated in both energy and time. In this poster we present the current calibration status and the performance of EMCal and DCal.

Preferred Track Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
Collaboration ALICE


Justin Thomas Blair (University of Texas (US))

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