5–11 Feb 2017
Hyatt Regency Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Azimuthal anisotropies at very high $p_{T}$ from two- and multi-particle correlations in PbPb collision at 5.02 TeV with CMS

8 Feb 2017, 14:00
Regency C

Regency C


Quan Wang (The University of Kansas (US))


Studies of azimuthal anisotropies for very high $p_{T}$ particles in relativistic heavy ion collisions provide crucial information on the path length dependence of the parton energy loss mechanism in the quark-gluon plasma. Final high-precision data on the elliptic ($v_{2}$) and triangular ($v_{3}$) anisotropy harmonics of charged particles, obtained with the scalar product method, are presented up to $p_{T}$ $\sim$ 100 GeV/c in PbPb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV, using data recorded during the LHC run 2 with the CMS detector. In particular, the $v_{3}$ harmonic is explored to a very high $p_{T}$ regime for the first time, allowing for an improved understanding of the effect of initial-state fluctuations on the parton energy loss. The $v_{2}$ values reaching up $p_{T}$ $\sim$ 100 GeV/c are also determined using 4-, 6- and 8-particle cumulants, shedding new light on the origin of the observed high-$p_{T}$ azimuthal anisotropies. These new results are compared to theoretical calculations and provide stringent constraints on the parton energy loss mechanisms and the influence of initial-state fluctuations.

Preferred Track Collective Dynamics
Collaboration CMS


Quan Wang (The University of Kansas (US))

Presentation materials