5–11 Feb 2017
Hyatt Regency Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Inclusive jets and jet substructure in 2.76 TeV and 5.02 TeV pp and PbPb collisions with the ATLAS detector

7 Feb 2017, 15:20
Regency D

Regency D


Martin Spousta (Charles University)


In relativistic heavy ion collisions, a hot medium with a high density of unscreened color charges is produced. Jets are produced at the early stages of this collision and are known to become attenuated as they propagate through the hot matter. One manifestation of this energy loss is a lower yield of jets emerging from the medium than expected in the absence of medium effects. ATLAS has provided a quantification of jet suppression by measurements of jet R_AA in the LHC Run 1. A factor of two suppression was observed in central heavy ion collisions with respect to pp collisions. R_AA was also found to exhibit only a weak rapidity dependence, and a slow (but significant) rise with increasing jet momentum. The high-statistics run 2 data of Pb+Pb and pp collisions provide the opportunity to extend the jet R_AA measurement, to evaluate the center-of-mass-energy dependence of this quantity and to explore new techniques for the study of jet substructure using subjets. This talk will presents the Run 1 results on inclusive jet production and new Run 2 results on inclusive jet suppression. It will furthermore presents new results on the measurement of jet substructure from the Run 2 data.

Preferred Track Jets and High pT Hadrons
Collaboration ATLAS


Martin Spousta (Charles University)

Presentation materials