5–11 Feb 2017
Hyatt Regency Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Global view on coupled dynamics of heavy and light flavor observables from EPOSHQ

8 Feb 2017, 18:10
Regency D

Regency D


Pol Gossiaux (Subatech)


Heavy-flavor observables are excellent probes of the properties of the in-medium interactions, the medium properties and the degrees of freedom of the quark-gluon plasma created in heavy-ion collisions. Progressing toward a quantitative description, we describe, in EPOSHQ, the dynamics of heavy quark coupled systematically to the EPOS3 model: heavy-quarks are produced from the EPOS3 flux tube initial conditions both in momentum and in coordinate space and subsequently propagated in parallel to the fluid dynamical evolution of the viscous QGP. Hadronization of the heavy quarks via coalescence and fragmentation and particlization of the fluid enable us to investigate the importance of the final hadronic rescatterings on the heavy-flavor observables.
This global description allows us to draw conclusions from the comparison to a variety of heavy-quark observables in different systems and constrain important aspects in our underlying model for the in-medium interaction, such as the contributions stemming from elastic and inelastic energy loss, or the mass dependence by comparing charm and bottom quark dynamics. We present strategies to quantify the off-equilibrium dynamics of heavy flavor at lower momentum compared to the bulk flow by focussing on the higher-order flow harmonics of B and D mesons and the light, charged hadrons and it's centrality dependence. At higher momentum path length differences become the driving force of flow observables. Our sophisticated energy loss models and QGP-heavy quark coupling allow us in particular to obtain robust estimates of different contributions to the heavy flavor flow in the intermediate momentum range.

Preferred Track Open Heavy Flavors
Collaboration Not applicable


Pol Gossiaux (Subatech)

Presentation materials