Transport coefficients of QCD like the shear viscosity $\eta$ and the diffusion of baryon number $D$ have been determined at leading order in perturbation theory by Arnold, Moore and Yaffe (AMY). I will show how these transport coefficients are sensitive to $O(g)$ corrections arising from interactions with soft gluons. These NLO effects enter as corrections to the transverse momentum broadening coefficient $\hat {q}$, to longitudinal momentum broadening, to quark-gluon conversions, to collinear 1<->2 processes and to wider-angle bremsstrahlung (semi-collinear processes). These corrections have been computed using a Euclidean formalism pioneered by S. Caron-Huot, which exploits the analytical properties of amplitudes supported on light fronts. There remain only two coefficients whose $O(g)$ corrections are unknown, as I will show.
I will show the effect of all known corrections to the value of the transport coefficients. In particular, the large $O(g)$ contribution to $\hat{q}$ is the leading NLO effect and it reduces the value of the transport coefficients very significantly. I will also estimate the effect of the unknown coefficients.
Preferred Track | QCD at High Temperature |
Collaboration | Not applicable |