5–11 Feb 2017
Hyatt Regency Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Topology and axion's properties from lattice QCD with a dynamical charm

8 Feb 2017, 12:00
Regency C

Regency C


Maria Paola Lombardo (INFN)


We study QCD for temperatures up to about 500 MeV using the lattice
approach. We include two generations of dynamical quarks, with
physical strange and charm masses, which are known to be relevant in the explored
temperature range. Our lattice discretization - Wilson quarks with a twisted
mass term - has good chiral properties at a moderate computational
cost. The main focus is the measure of the topological susceptibility,
which on one side helps understanding fundamental properties of the quark-gluon plasma, on the other constrains properties of the axion,
one serious candidate for dark matter. We contrast and compare
the results from several methods for the measurements of the topological
susceptibility, and discuss the perspectives towards controlled
results in the continuum limit for physical quark masses, and implications
for the axions' search

Preferred Track QCD at High Temperature
Collaboration Not applicable


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