5–11 Feb 2017
Hyatt Regency Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Evidence for collective phenomena in pp collisions with CMS

8 Feb 2017, 11:40
Regency A

Regency A


Zhenyu Chen (Rice University (US))


Observation of long-range ridge-like correlations in high-multiplicity pp collisions opened up new opportunities for exploring novel QCD dynamics in small collision systems. Based on data collected in 2015 and 2016 with the CMS detector at the LHC, the second-order ($v_{2}$) and third-order ($v_{3}$) azimuthal anisotropy harmonics of $K_{s}^{0}$, $\Lambda$ and inclusive charged particles are extracted from long-range two-particle correlations as functions of particle multiplicity and transverse momentum. For the first time in pp collisions, the $v_{2}$ signals are also extracted from multi-particle correlations, providing direct evidence of the collective nature of observed particle correlations. These results provide new insights on the origin of observed long-range correlations in pp collisions, and may shed light on how quantum fluctuations affect the proton structure at a very short time scale.

Preferred Track QCD in small systems
Collaboration CMS


Zhenyu Chen (Rice University (US))

Presentation materials