5–11 Feb 2017
Hyatt Regency Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Elliptic flow at intermediate transverse momentum: mass versus quark number

Not scheduled
2h 30m
Hyatt Regency Chicago

Hyatt Regency Chicago

151 East Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois, USA, 60601
Board: J11


Subikash Choudhury (Department of Atomic Energy (IN))


The particle species dependence of elliptic flow ($v_{2}$ ) at intermediate
transverse momentum ($p_{T}$ ) provide a mean to investigate the hadronization mechanism
of the dense medium formed in heavy ion collisions. At intermediate
$p_{T}$ (> 2 GeV/c), $v_{2}$ of different particles exhibit an interesting scaling behaviour when
divided by their constituent number of quarks (NCQ-scaling). At RHIC, the NCQ-scaling
was recognized as a hallmark signature of quark like degrees of freedom
and particle production via a mechanism of quark recombination. However, recent data from the top-RHIC and LHC energy suggest
that scaling is only an approximation and questions the relevance of coalescence as model
of hadronization. Here, in the framework of string melting (SM)
version of A Multi Phase Transport model (AMPT), we aim to study the source(s) of
NCQ-violation at top-RHIC and LHC energies. From our study we infer that large
deviation from the perfect scaling at LHC is because of the modification of the $v_{2}$ generated at the partonic phase by the final stage hadronic re-scatterings together with the
extension of linear scaling between hadron and parton $v_{2}$ upto higher values of hadron $p_{T}$ because of high phase-space density at the partonic level.

Preferred Track Collective Dynamics
Collaboration Not applicable


Subikash Choudhury (Department of Atomic Energy (IN))

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