Parallel Session 2.2: QCD in Small Systems (II)
- Fuqiang Wang (Purdue University (US))
Understanding the longitudinal dependence of flow harmonics and possible event plane decorrelations is an important part of properly extracting information on the matter created in heavy ion collisions. Asymmetric systems, by their nature, provide unique insight on the relation between geometry, transverse expansion, and longitudinal dynamics. In 2016, RHIC operations included $d$+Au beam...
In nucleus-nucleus collisions, the linear dependence found for the elliptic flow harmonic of both positive or negative charged particles as a function of event charge asymmetry ($A_{ch} = (N^{+} – N^{-})/(N^{+}+N^{-}) $, where $N^{+}$ and $N^{-}$ are the number of positive and negative charged particles, respectively) is predicted by the phenomenon known as the Chiral Magnetic Wave (CMW) due...
ATLAS measurements of two-particle correlations in $\Delta\phi$ and $\Delta\eta$ and multi-particle azimuthal correlations using four, six and eight-particle cumulants are presented for $pp$, $p$+Pb and low multiplicity Pb+Pb collisions.
For the two-particle correlations, a template fitting procedure is used to subtract the dijet contribution and to extract the genuine
long-range ridge...
Results on elliptic flow in p+p and p/d/$^3$He+A have raised the question of how small a system can be while still exhibiting collective behavior. In 2016, RHIC operations included $d$+Au collisions at 200, 62.4, 39, and 19.6 GeV. In this talk we present results on elliptic and triangular flow at midrapidity as a function of transverse momentum and event multiplicity in $d$+Au collisions at...
Recent observation of collective-flow-like behaviors in small colliding systems
attracts significant theoretical and experimental interests.
In large colliding systems,
large collective flow has been interpreted as manifestation of almost-perfect
fluidity of the quark gluon plasma (QGP).
So it is quite intriguing to explore how small
the QGP can behave as a fluid.
In this...