Parallel Session 2.4: Jets and High pT Hadrons (II)
- Urs Wiedemann (CERN)
Within the context of a hybrid strong/weak coupling model of jet quenching, we study the
modification of the angular distribution of the energy within jets in
heavy ion collisions, as partons within jet showers lose energy
and get kicked as they traverse the strongly coupled plasma
produced in the collision. To describe
the dynamics transverse to the jet axis, we add
the effects of...
Dijet, dihadron, hadron-jet angular correlations have been reckoned as important probes of the transverse momentum broadening effects in relativistic nuclear collisions [1]. When a pair of high-energy jets created in hard collisions traverse the quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy-ion collisions, they become de-correlated due to the vacuum soft gluon radiation associated with the Sudakov...
In relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), conditions are met to produce a hot, dense and strongly interacting medium known as the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). Quarks and gluons from incoming nuclei collide to produce partons at high momenta early in the collision. By fragmenting into collimated sprays of hadrons, these partons form "jets". Within the framework of...
Jets are an important tool to study the hot, dense matter produced in Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC.
Due to the loss of some of the jet’s energy outside the jet cone, jet rates have been found to be reduced by approximately a factor of two, in the most central events and over a wide kinematic range. In order to understand precisely how the jets are modified, it is important to measure how the...
Recently our group analyzed how the probability distribution for the jet
opening angle is modified in an ensemble of jets that has propagated
through an expanding cooling droplet of plasma [1]. Each jet in the
ensemble is represented holographically by a string in the dual 4+1-
dimensional gravitational theory with the distribution of initial energies and
opening angles in the ensemble given...