Parallel Session 8.1: Baryon-Rich QCD Matter and Astrophysics (III)
- Grazyna Odyniec
We calculate higher order fluctuations of baryon number and electric charge in
lattice QCD. The results at real chemical potentials are obtained through
analytical continuation of simulations at imaginary chemical potentials. We
compare to (or discuss) the STAR proton and electric charge fluctuation data to
characterize the chemical freeze-out in view of the new lattice findings.
We study fluctuations of the sigma field and the net-baryon number on the crossover side of the critical point within the model of nonequilibrium chiral fluid dynamics (N$\chi$FD). Herein, the sigma field as the chiral order parameter is propagated explicitly and coupled to a fluid of quarks. Before investigating these fluctuations in an expanding nonequilibrium medium, we scrutinize the...
The strong rise towards lower collision energies of the fourth moment of the e-by-e net-baryon multiplicity distribution observed by the STAR collaboration has recently triggered high attention. In view of theoretical studies of critical phenomena in the QCD matter phase diagram, this could signal the existence of a critical point. To provide further experimental insight, an extension of the...
We study neutron star matter equations of state at finite temperature for neutron star mergers and supernovae, including not only thermal quark fluctuations but also the Nambu-Goldstone modes. Our description is based on 3-window modeling in which nuclear matter at nB < 2n0 (nB:baryon density, n_0:saturation density) is smoothly connected to strongly correlated quark matter at nB > 5n0. Our...
I will discuss the new state-of-the-art perturbative Equation of State of quark matter valid at all temperatures and chemical potentials. The new result is accurate to order g^5 in the gauge coupling, and is based on a novel framework for dealing with the infrared sensitive soft field modes of the theory. The zero Matsubara mode sector is treated using a dimensionally reduced effective theory,...
We study the effect of the chiral symmetry restoration (CSR) on heavy-ion collisions observables in the energy range $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=3--20\,GeV within the Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) transport approach. The PHSD includes the deconfinement phase transition as well as essential aspects of CSR in the dense and hot hadronic medium, which are incorporated in the Schwinger mechanism for...