Parallel Session 5.3: New Theoretical Developments (I)
- Maria Paola Lombardo (INFN)
Chiral anomaly induces a new kind of macroscopic quantum behavior in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics, including the chiral magnetic effect. In this talk we will present two new quantum effects present in fluids that contain chiral fermions:
1) the turbulent inverse cascade driven by the chiral anomaly; 2) quantized chiral magnetic current induced by the reconnections of magnetic flux. The...
We discuss the role of tetraquarks in the phase transitions of QCD. For three very
light flavors, tetraquarks may generate a second chiral phase transition. In
the plane of temperature and chemical potential ($T$ and $\mu$), tetraquarks must
be included in order to use effective models to determine the position of the critical
endpoint. The tetraquark condensate is the (color...
When high-energy partons traversing a quark-gluon plasma lose energy via bremsstrahlung or pair production, the quantum duration of that splitting process is known as the formation time. For high energy, the formation time exceeds the mean free time for collisions with the medium, leading to a significant reduction in the splitting rate: the LPM effect. But there are interesting and...
I will discuss a novel solution the sign problem which prevents first principle Monte-Carlo computations of QCD at finite chemical potential (especially important for both the search for the critical point and neutron star physics) as well as real time quantities such as transport coefficients. The solution is based on deforming the region of integration in the path integral into a complex...
Electromagnetic fields are generated in high energy nuclear collisions by spectator valence protons. These fields are traditionally computed by integrating the Maxwell equations with point sources. One might expect that such an approach is valid at distances much larger than the proton size and thus such a classical approach should work well for almost the entire interaction region in the case...