Parallel Session 5.4: Jets and High pT Hadrons (IV)
- Peter Martin Jacobs (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
Nuclear collisions which produce a high transverse momentum (p_T) prompt photon offer a useful way to study the dynamics of the hot, dense medium produced in these events. Because photons do not carry color charge, they are unaffected by the hot, dense medium. Thus, the outgoing photon serves as a tag of the initial parton flavors, and measures the initial parton pT before they are quenched...
We take a closer look at the single particle nuclear modification factor ($R_{AA}$) and azimuthal anisotropy ($v_{2}$) of
leading hadrons at high transverse momentum ($p_{T}$) at both RHIC and LHC collision energies. We focus on the
established reduction in the interaction measure $\hat{q}/T^{3}$ between RHIC and LHC, as discovered by the JET
collaboration. The centrality dependence of the...
A typical approach to study the medium produced in heavy ion collisions is to understand the passage of elementary particles through it. As Z bosons and photons do not participate in the strong interaction, their correlation with jets within the same event is a clean probe of the medium-induced energy loss of (predominantly) quark jets. In this analysis, Z+jet and photon+jet correlations are...
Electroweak boson-tagged jet measurements provide a promising experimental channel to accurately study the physics of jet production and propagation in dense QCD medium. In this talk, we present theoretical predictions for the nuclear-induced attenuation $R^2_{AA}(V+J)$ of the differential cross section for photon-tagged and Z0-tagged jet production in heavy ion collisions, and provide...
The 2015 US Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan calls for a state-of-the-art jet and upsilon detector at RHIC, called sPHENIX, to study the microscopic nature of the QGP, complementing similar studies at the CERN LHC. The sPHENIX detector will provide precision vertexing, tracking and full calorimetry over pseudorapidity |eta| < 1.1 and full azimuth at the full RHIC collision rate, delivering...