Parallel Session 6.4: Jets and High pT Hadrons (V)
- Carlos Albert Salgado Lopez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
A better understanding of the energy loss of partons in the quark-gluon plasma formed in the collisions of heavy ions can be gained by varying the collision system. Recent RHIC runs have provided Cu+Au and U+U collisions. Asymmetric Cu+Au collisions provide a system with similar energy density but different path lengths when compared to Au+Au with the same number of nucleon-nucleon collisions....
Single particle production has proven to be a valuable tool to study heavy ion collisions. The observation of collective behavior in $p$+Pb at the LHC and $d$+Au RHIC has spurred speculation that a plasma is formed in small collision systems. Jet production in the same collisions at the LHC and RHIC has an anomalous centrality dependence if centrality is determined the same way as in large...
We report measurements of two jet shapes, the ratio of 2-Subjettiness to 1-Subjettiness ($\tau_2/\tau_1$) and the opening angle between the two axes of the 2-Subjettiness jet shape which correspond to the axes of the hardest splitting in the jet. Comparison of these two jet shapes in Pb-Pb and pp collisions highlights the role of coherence effects on jet quenching, in the presence of the QGP...
A key feature of jet fragmentation in vacuum is colour coherence, which leads to angular ordering of the shower. Recent works have pointed out the importance of colour coherence for jets passing through QCD matter. The results are indicative of a reorganisation of the jet fragmentation in terms of resolved subjets each of which are affected independently by energy loss in the medium. We study...
We study modification of full jet structures in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) medium including effect of the hydrodynamic medium response. The structures and energies of jets in heavy ion collisions are significantly modified by the processes involving strong interactions during the propagation through the QGP medium, i.e., collisional energy loss, $p_T$-broadening, and induced parton...