11–15 Apr 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.
Webcast: Only Plenary sessions on Monday and Friday, and the public event will be webcast

SPPC Study Progress

12 Apr 2016, 08:30
Costantino (Crowne Plaza)


Crowne Plaza

Oral Accelerators FCC-hh Overall Design


Prof. Jingyu Tang (IHEP, CAS)


This presentation gives an overview on what we have carried out on the preliminary concept design and identification of technical challenges of the SPPC accelerators, including the collider and the injector chain. With the emphasis on the parameters optimization, lattice design, and collimation design, the accelerator physics studies also include injector chain concepts, luminosity leveling, instabilities and injection-extraction, and longitudinal dynamics. The main technical challenges are believed to be high-fiels superconducting magnets and cryogenic beam screen, but other technical issues have also been surveyed.


Prof. Jingyu Tang (IHEP, CAS)

Presentation materials