Mar 23 – 29, 2015
Marriott Georgetown Hotel
US/Eastern timezone
See you in Rome next year! Note down April 11-15, 2016

This first Annual Meeting of the Future Circular Collider study is an important milestone to conclude the first, exploratory phase, leading to the identification of the baseline for the further study. Organized as an IEEE conference, it will provide the opportunity for re-enforcing the cohesion of the community and to catalyse cross-fertilization within the FCC study.

EuroCirCol logo

This meeting also constitutes the preparatory event of the EuroCirCol H2020 project, which has been approved by the EC on January 28th, 2015. Dedicated working groups on schedule, communications and gender equality will be organised and the governance bodies will be compiled at the occasion.

The event will follow the traditional layout of plenary and parallel sessions with invited contributions. Plenary sessions will give an overview about the ongoing activities across all parts of the study and serve informing study members about the main boundary conditions and working hypothesis. Parallel sessions will focus on specific areas of the study and a limited number of contributed 10’ presentations are foreseen, to enable communication of key findings of ongoing work with significant impact on the subsequent study phases in an efficient way. We encourage submission of proposals which will be reviewed by the organising committee.

Satellite meetings for related projects and governance bodies will be included the program. Participation of industry is highly encouraged and supported via a dedicated industry track and a micro exhibition, focusing on superconducting cable technology. Communication and equal opportunity aspects will be addressed in dedicated working group meetings.

Plenary and parallel session contributions are by invitation only.

An open scientific fast track provides the opportunity to present findings of ongoing work with significant impact on the further study and of high importance to the FCC study community.




Industrial Participants:


BrukerCLBS Superpower