Mar 23 – 29, 2015
Marriott Georgetown Hotel
US/Eastern timezone
See you in Rome next year! Note down April 11-15, 2016

About FCC


The emphasis of this conceptual design study is a circular hadron collider infrastructure with a centre-of-mass collision energy of 100 TeV and a luminosity of 5 – 10 x 1034 cm2s-1 in a new tunnel of 80 to 100 km circumference for the purpose of studying physics at the highest-energies. For the injector chain, the design will leverage the existing assets which Europe has built up with considerable efforts and investments over the past several decades at CERN. The study integrates ongoing accelerator and technology initiatives at CERN and in Member States in a single, homogenous and consistent study under the auspices of the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) to make the best use of existing competences and available resources of a geographically well-balanced research landscape. The scope includes the study of an e+e- collider with c.m. energies up to 350 GeV and luminosities ranging from 1.8 (tt) to 28 (Z pole) x 1034 cm2s-1 in the conceived tunnel as potential intermediary step towards the realization of an energy frontier hadron collider. Results from existing linear collider design studies and synergies with established research groups are particularly considered. The impacts of e-p collision scenarios on the infrastructure will be examined at a conceptual level.


The study has been initiated as a direct response to the high-priority recommendation made in the Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, adopted by the CERN Council in 2013. The need to push the present energy frontier within the 21st century in an economically sustainable and energy efficient way calls for a large circular collider. It is prudent to explore all options (pp, ions, ee and ep collisions) and it is mandatory to document the opportunities for New Physics for the different scenarios when conceiving such a large-scale infrastructure. Based on the experience of other large-scale science enterprises in general and colliders in particular, the time window of 20 years for design and implementation, which opened with the establishment of the roadmap for the LHC exploitation until 2035 is both necessary and sufficient. The study will provide international policy bodies with a sound and timely decision basis to establish long-range infrastructure roadmaps considering pan-European and global interests.



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FCC on CERN Document Server: CDS