12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
1:30 PM
16T dipole development: Protection
Toru Ogitsu
(until 3:00 PM)
1:30 PM
Development of 60-mm aperture Nb3Sn dipole demonstrator for FCC at Fermilab
emanuela barzi
1:50 PM
development of CCT Nb3Sn dipole
Shlomo Caspi
(Lawrence Berkeley national laboratory USA)
2:10 PM
Analysis of the requirements for the quench protection in the 16 T Nb3Sn dipole designs
Tiina Salmi
(Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
2:30 PM
Comparison of magnet designs from a circuit protection point of view
Arjan Verweij
1:30 PM
FCC-ee Single-beam collective effects
Evgeny Levichev
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
(until 3:00 PM)
(Giulio & Tiberio)
1:30 PM
Single-beam collective effects in FCC-ee
Mauro Migliorati
(University of Rome "LA SAPIENZA")
(Giulio & Tiberio)
1:50 PM
Beam Heating due to Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
Alexander Novokhatski
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
(Giulio & Tiberio)
2:10 PM
Collective Effects in Low-Emittance Rings: Projection for FCC
- Dr
Victor Smalyuk
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(Giulio & Tiberio)
2:30 PM
Feedback systems for FCC-ee
Alessandro Drago
(Giulio & Tiberio)
1:30 PM
FCC-hh Experiments and Detectors, 2nd session
Karl Jakobs
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
(until 3:00 PM)
1:30 PM
Flavour tagging performance studies and geometry optimisation for the vertex detector at FCC-hh
Estel Perez Codina
1:50 PM
Simulation of a high-granular hadronic calorimeter for multi-TeV physics
Sergei Chekanov
(Argonne National Laboratory (US))
2:10 PM
Minimum time integration calorimetry
Dmitri Denisov
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
2:30 PM
Summary of CPAD detector workshop
Ian Shipsey
(University of Oxford (GB))
1:30 PM
Technologies R&D: Beam transfer, Magnet & Instrumentation
Fernando Toral
(Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)
(until 3:00 PM)
1:30 PM
FCC-hh injection and extraction kicker topologies and solid state generators
Thomas Kramer
1:50 PM
Septum concepts, technologies and prototyping for FCC-hh injection and extraction
Dani Barna
(University of Tokyo (JP))
2:10 PM
FCC-ee warm magnets design
Attilio Milanese
2:30 PM
Perspectives for beam-beam- compensation and collimation using electron beams for FCC-hh
Hermann Schmickler
3:00 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
3:30 PM
Beam Energy Deposition & Machine Protection
(until 5:00 PM)
3:30 PM
Simulations of Hydrodynamic Tunneling of FCC Proton Beam in Solid Cu Target and its Implications on Machine Protection
Naeem Tahir
(GSI Darmstadt)
3:50 PM
FCC beam dump septum requirements and suitability of different septa technologies and topologies
Miroslav Georgiev Atanasov
4:10 PM
Concepts for magnet circuit powering and protection
Marco Prioli
3:30 PM
FCC-ee Optics
Katsunobu Oide
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
(until 5:00 PM)
(Giulio & Tiberio)
3:30 PM
FCC-ee IR optics solutions
- Dr
Anton Bogomyagkov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
(Giulio & Tiberio)
3:50 PM
Arc optics, global Q' correction and emittance variation
Bastian Harer
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
(Giulio & Tiberio)
4:10 PM
CEPC partial double ring scheme and crab-waist parameters
- Dr
(Giulio & Tiberio)
4:25 PM
Update on CEPC pretzel scheme design
Huiping Geng
(Giulio & Tiberio)
4:40 PM
Lattice for a Higgs factory
Yunhai Cai
(Giulio & Tiberio)
3:30 PM
FCC-hh Experiments and Detectors, 3rd session
Ian Shipsey
(University of Oxford (GB))
(until 5:00 PM)
3:30 PM
Study of hh production in the WWbb channel at the FCC-hh
Marianna Testa
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT))
3:50 PM
EMCAL performance studies
Martin Aleksa
4:10 PM
Performance & potential of an HCAL Tile concept readout by si-PMTS
Clement Helsens
Ana Maria Henriques Correia
4:30 PM
US activities and plans for physics and detector studies for FCC-hh
Ashutosh Kotwal
(Duke University (US))
3:30 PM
Manufacturing & Test Infrastructures
Luca Bottura
(until 5:00 PM)
3:30 PM
FCC Synergy’s with Industry and the Impact on the Future Superconducting Magnet Technologies
Antoine Dael
3:50 PM
SC strand and cable test demands and infrastructures (ITER experience)
Pierluigi Bruzzone
4:10 PM
Production and manufacturing infrastructure
Lucio Rossi
4:30 PM
Magnet test demands and infrastructure
Andrzej Siemko
5:00 PM
--- Teatime ---
5:30 PM
Antoine Dael
(until 6:30 PM)
5:30 PM
Poster session
(until 7:30 PM)
5:30 PM
A report on the CBMM-JLab SRF science & technology of ingot niobium summary workshop*
Ganapati Myneni
(International Symposium On Hydrogen In Matter (ISOHIM))
5:30 PM
A-15 Inhomogeneity in Nb3Sn Wires: A Potential Leverage Point for Conductor Improvement
Thomas Baumgartner
(TU Wien, Atominstitut)
5:30 PM
Additive Manufacturing for Accelerators Components
Romain Gerard
5:30 PM
Advanced Hybrid Current Leads
Fridolin Holdener
(shirokuma GmbH)
5:30 PM
Advances in Low SEY Engineered Surface for Electron Cloud Eradication
- Dr
Reza Valizadeh
5:30 PM
An innovative computational design approach to decision optimisation of large infrastructure civil engineering projects: The FCC case
Craig Sturzaker
5:30 PM
Analysis and Evaluation of the CERN Geodetic Reference System
Nerea Ibarrola Subiza
5:30 PM
Basic comparison of hydraulic schemes for the FCC-hh cold mass cooling with supercritical helium
Claudio Kotnig
(Graz University of Technology (AT))
5:30 PM
Beam dump for the FCC-ee collider
Armen Apyan
(Northwestern University)
5:30 PM
Coherent interactions in crystals as a tool for manipulation of ultrarelativistic electron and positron beams
Laura Bandiera
(Universita di Ferrara & INFN (IT))
5:30 PM
Crystal collimator systems for high energy frontier
- Prof.
Alexander Lobko
(Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University (BY))
5:30 PM
Developments in detector and beam technologies at INP BSU
Alexander Lobko
(Byelorussian State University (BY))
5:30 PM
Double Higgs Production with a Jet Substructure Analysis to Probe Large Extra Dimensions
- Dr
Mojtaba Mohammadi Najafabadi
5:30 PM
Doubly charged Higgs bosons at the FCC-hh
Magdalena Kordiaczyńska
5:30 PM
FCC dump pattern studies
- Dr
Daniel Barna
(University of Tokyo (JP))
5:30 PM
Funnel-shaped end-cap solenoids: A possible alternative for the solenoid & dipoles combination
Matthias Mentink
5:30 PM
High field normal conducting septum magnets
Alejandro Sanz Ull
(Eindhoven Technical University (NL))
5:30 PM
HTS solutions for FCC magnets and power infrastructure
- Dr
Alexander Molodyk
5:30 PM
Inductive Adder Type Solid-State Pulse Modulator Development for Kicker Systems of the Future Circular Collider
Mike Barnes
5:30 PM
Low-emittance muon collider from positrons on target
Mario Antonelli
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT))
5:30 PM
Magnetic Flux Expulsion Studies of Horizontally Cooled Single Cell Cavity
Martina Martinello
(Fermilab - IIT)
5:30 PM
Marx Generator Solid-State Pulse Modulator Application to Kicker Systems of the Future Circular Collider
Mike Barnes
5:30 PM
Multiphysics Modeling of Superconducting Canted-Cosine-Theta Dipoles
Lucas Brouwer
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (US))
5:30 PM
NEG Coating developing in ASTeC
Oleg Malyshev
(ASTeC, Daresbury Laboratory)
5:30 PM
On the Physical Readability of Beam Fields in a Realistic (Finite Thickness and Conductivity) Beam Pipe
Stefania Petracca
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
5:30 PM
Particle shower studies to tackle the FCC challenges
Maria Ilaria Besana
5:30 PM
Preliminary hydraulic layout of the beam screen cooling system for the FCC-hh
Claudio Kotnig
(Graz University of Technology (AT))
5:30 PM
Preliminary quench protection analysis for the FCC 16 T dipole magnets
Marco Prioli
5:30 PM
Prospects for laser triggering of large arrays of semiconductor switches
Janusz Pawel Rodziewicz
5:30 PM
Quench Mechanism in Nitrogen-Doped Cavities
Mattia Checchin
5:30 PM
Quench Protection of a 20 T Dipole Magnet with HTS Insert
- Dr
Emmanuele Ravaioli
5:30 PM
Quench-Induced Quality Factor Degradation in Superconducting Resonators
Mattia Checchin
5:30 PM
Slot 3 AN
Arto Niemi
5:30 PM
SRF Cavities High Q Development for CW Accelerators
Anna Grassellino
5:30 PM
Strand and Cable Development for 16 T Magnets for FCC
emanuela barzi
5:30 PM
Study of superconducting Tl(1223) coatings for beam impedance mitigation in the FCC
- Prof.
Emilio Bellingeri
5:30 PM
Superconducting Cavity Design for FCC-ee
Shahnam Gorgi Zadeh
(Universitaet Rostock (DE))
5:30 PM
Superconducting sputtered Nb3Sn films for SRF applications
Katsiaryna Ilyina
5:30 PM
Tapering options for the FCC-ee collider
Andreas Doblhammer
(Vienna University of Technology (AT))
5:30 PM
The phenomena of spin rotation and depolarization of high-energy particles in bent and straight crystals at FCC energies and the possibility to measure the anomalous magnetic moments of short-lived particles (charm and beauty baryons)
- Prof.
Vladimir G. Baryshevsky
(Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University (BY))
5:30 PM
Trapped Flux Dissipation in SRF Cavities
Martina Martinello
(Fermilab - IIT)
6:30 PM
FCC International Collaboration Board
Lenny Rivkin
(Paul Scherrer Institut (CH))
(until 7:00 PM)
6:30 PM
Gender Equality Working Group
Genevieve Guinot
(until 7:30 PM)
6:30 PM
Forming a Gender Equality Group
Kristin Kaltenhauser
6:45 PM
Gender Equality at INFN / EU Funded GENERA project
- Dr
Maria Rosaria Masullo
7:00 PM
Making the gender equality effort sustainable
Genevieve Guinot
Kristin Kaltenhauser
maria rosaria masullo
7:00 PM
EuroCirCol International Collaboration Board
Roy Aleksan
(CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
(until 7:30 PM)
8:00 PM
--- Workshop Banquet with Poster Award Ceremony ---