11–15 Apr 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.
Webcast: Only Plenary sessions on Monday and Friday, and the public event will be webcast

FCC Based Lepton-Hadron and Photon-Hadron Colliders: Luminosity and Physics

14 Apr 2016, 14:40
Traiano (Crowne Plaza)


Crowne Plaza

Oral Experiments and Detectors FCC-eh Accelerator/Detector


Prof. Saleh Sultansoy (TOBB ETU)


Construction of linear electron-positron collider (or special/dedicated linac) and muon collider tangential to FCC will give opportunity to achieve highest center of mass energy in lepton-hadron and photon-hadron collisions. Luminosities of the FCC based e-p, mu-p, e-A, mu-A, gamma-p, gamma-A and FEL gamma-A colliders are estimated. Physics search potentials of these machines are summarized.


Prof. Saleh Sultansoy (TOBB ETU)

Presentation materials