11–15 Apr 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.
Webcast: Only Plenary sessions on Monday and Friday, and the public event will be webcast

Simulation of the FCC-hh collimation system

12 Apr 2016, 11:00
Costantino (Crowne Plaza)


Crowne Plaza

Oral Accelerators FCC-hh Collimation System


Dr James Molson (CNRS/LAL)


The current status of the FCC-hh beam halo cleaning system will be presented. Simulations of the collimation system have been performed with the codes Sixtrack and Merlin for collision energy (50 TeV). The relative performance of different collimation system designs will be shown. Critical loss locations will be identified and suggestions for appropriate design changes will be given.


Angeles Faus-Golfe (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (ES)) Dr James Molson (CNRS/LAL) Philip Bambade (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR)) Sophie Chance (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))

Presentation materials